Sindhudurg 23 June 2016

On 23rd June 2016 at the invitation of Bishop Alwyn Barreto of Sindhudurg Diocese and through persistent efforts of Fr Godwin Pereira, our WAF National Center team visited consisting of Fr Peter de Gama, Mr Francis Barreto, Dr Celcio Dias, Mr Julius Fernandes and Fr Filipe Neri Dias.

The first 3 spoke with power point slides on the Fatima narratives, Consecration, First Saturdays in Parishes and how to celebrate the Fatima Centenary, including Reparatory Adoration and Divine Mercy Sunday.

The audience was 45 Priests from 25 Parishes and Religious too and was held at the Pastoral Center at Sawantwadi. A Parish in the Diocese has Our Lady of Fatima as Patron. The total time was one hour. Francis’ new book: “Our Lady is calling you, will you not Respond?” was freely given. Books, Rosaries and Scapulars were made available. They have such recollection-meetings lasting two days every 3 months.